
This command is used to create a new drop-off.

For the example commands, let's define a few things which you will change for your own use:

  • The automation user is going to have the username "robot" with a password of "machines"
  • The address of your ZendTo site will be "". The site address always goes at the very end of the command, after all the other options.
  • Files to be uploaded will be named "newsletter.pdf", "notes.txt" and "movie.mp4".
  • The drop-off will appear to have come from "James Smith <>".
  • Recipients will be "Jules <>", "Jane Doe <>", "Bill Bloggs <>".

Troubleshooting Options

If you are using a locally-signed SSL certificate on your ZendTo server, you may need to add the option
to all of the example commands. The option tells curl to skip all the validity checks on the SSL certificate on your ZendTo server.

To see the curl command it creates, which is what does all the work, but not actually run anything, add the option
to any of the example commands. This is extremely useful if you are looking to re-implement the functionality of the script in another environment.


Due to the large number of options available for this command, these examples do not demonstrate all of them. The command-line usage will show you what the other options are.

To see the command-line usage
/opt/zendto/bin/autodropoff --help

Drop off 1 file to 1 recipient
/opt/zendto/bin/autodropoff --username 'robot' --password 'machines' --sendername 'James Smith' --senderemail '' --senderorg 'Example Company Inc' --subject 'A simple drop-off' --note 'Here are the files you need' --emailrecipients --sendpasscode --recipientname 'Jules' --recipientemail '' --filename 'newsletter.pdf' --filedesc 'The company newsletter'

Drop off 3 files to 1 recipient
/opt/zendto/bin/autodropoff --username 'robot' --password 'machines' --sendername 'James Smith' --senderemail '' --senderorg 'Example Company Inc' --subject 'A simple drop-off' --note 'Here are the files you need' --emailrecipients --sendpasscode --recipientname 'Jules' --recipientemail '' --filename 'newsletter.pdf' --filedesc 'The company newsletter' --filename 'notes.txt' --filedesc 'My notes on it' --filename 'movie.mp4' --filedesc 'Video presentation'

Drop off 1 file to 3 recipients
/opt/zendto/bin/autodropoff --username 'robot' --password 'machines' --sendername 'James Smith' --senderemail '' --senderorg 'Example Company Inc' --subject 'A simple drop-off' --note 'Here are the files you need' --emailrecipients --sendpasscode --recipientname 'Jules' --recipientemail '' --recipientname 'Jane Doe' --recipientemail '' --recipientname 'Bill Bloggs' --recipientemail '' --filename 'newsletter.pdf' --filedesc 'The company newsletter' --filename 'notes.txt' --filedesc 'My notes on it' --filename 'movie.mp4' --filedesc 'Video presentation'